OREGO strong


OREGO Strong 2L

OREGO strong

„Appetite, digestion, growth”


  • stimulating the growth rate of the birds
  • disturbing increments twenty – four hour
  • catarrhs of intestines and food poisonings
  • disturbing taking and assimilating fodder

Complementary feed

Product characteristics

OREGO strong liquid preparation designed for poultry containing an extract of oregano (marjoram). With a large variety of compounds present in oregano, it is widely used in poultry nutrition. It is believed that the phenolic components – in particular carvacrol and thymol – are responsible for the basic benefits of it’s use. Particularly noteworthy are antibacterial, antispasmodic and antioxidant. Several studies have shown that oregano effectively destroys many bacterial pathogens, including Klebsiella, E. coli, Salmonella, Helicobacter pylori and Staphylococcus aureus. It is believed that the active ingredients of oregano oil, phenolic destroy bacteria by changing the integrity of the membranes and cell walls. Moreover, studies indicate that oregano has potent antiparasitic activity, and also acts as a potent antifungal agent. Of particular interest is the ability of oregano oil to kill Candida albicans. In one of them, it was found that the efficacy of candidiasis is the same as the efficacy of nystatin – an antifungal drug strong. Oil of oregano does not adversely affect the level of probiotic organisms in the intestines, making it an ideal means in the antifungal.

Orego strong it is recommended to administer the disturbances of appetite, digestion, absorption feed and accelerate the growth of the birds. It can be used in all species of poultry during food intake disorders, the intestinal catarrh, diarrhea and food poisoning, as well as the alternative in the treatment of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. It can be administered at any time during fattening.


150 – 200 ml / 1000 liters of drinking water for 12 hours per day, for 5 – 7 days


Composition (in 1 L): Feed materials: propylene glycol (13.11.1), sodium chloride (11.4.1) (NaCl). ADDITIVES (in 1 L): Zootechnical: extract of marjoram common (CoE 317) 450 000 mg, oil of marjoram common (CoE 317) 35 000 mg, thymol 15 000 mg. ANTIALYCAL CONSTITUENTS (in 1 L): Na 390 mg, crude ash 1%, crude protein 0%, crude fiber 0%, oils and crude fat 0%, lysine 0%, methionine 0%.

Confection 2L